Awesome running drills
We will start timing our runs and see how fast we can go - counting 123 with fingers is always good, we will try and only stop 5 times, then 3 times, then 2 times and then be able to go right around without stopping
Being a good digital citizen - digital citizenship survey
Cyber-scape - Activity
Digital foot print / tattoo is saved - nothing is never deleted fully
Cyberbullying and harassement
You do not share your toothbrush and this is the same with your passwords too
Can happen 24/7
internet can never be retrieved
Netsafe resource kits - DVDS about antibullying / designed to be watched and discussed later
Teacher council and PPTA have resources avaliable on their website
phoneline, email and can call for more information
registered charity - non profit organisation
inappropriate material
addiction / time management over use
backdoor face book
phishing - looking for personal information / passwords etc done by scammers
talks about online bullying
they have a contact centre that parents or staff can call
K 9
Can use this website to restrict particular websites or to view what your child / students are looking at on the net
Can put time restrictions on particular sites
Can restict the websites that are not for the students' learning programme
Net Safe
General safety features for the internet.
Google Drive
- Can have a live conversation with your students.
- Can be accessed from anywhere in the world
- Can edit online with everyone at the same time
- An application can be placed on google drive to see how and when students are editing particular documents
- GAFE - Google Applications for Education / have a password each
- Can send home work via google documents
- Can download and save documents as a word document and then send it out.
- Can send out homework out via google documents
- to restore that document to the original document, you can go back to file then revision history / you can go to more and get more details for this too.
- Useful for doing a to do list
- In the search button you can search for other documents on your google docs
- add more applications / go my drive / new file... to find new applications and integrate other applications into the my drive
Pepeha a Matua Tuiono
Ko Whatitiri te maunga tapu, te maunga whakahi, te maunga kōrero hoki
Ko Waipao te awa e rere atu ana ki runga i ngā toka aa ka pao, ka pao
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka o Nukutāwhiti, o Kupe o ngā hapu kātoa o Ngā Puhi
Ko Te Maungarongo te ingoa tawhito o te whare rangimarie
Ko Ngā Puhi te iwi
Ko Te Uri roiroi te hapu
Ko Matua Tuiono e tu ake nei ki mua i a koutou kātoa.
Term Planning Preparation for Term 4 Checklist
- Term overview
- Term assessments schedule
- Forward dates
- Weekly timetable
- Wearable Arts unit plan for kaupapa (integrated in all curriculum areas)
- Tuhituhi for each group / Evaluative statements for each group
- Oral language for each group / Evaluative statements for each group
- Pangarau for each group / Evaluative statements for each group
- Panui for each group / Evaluative statements for each group
- Hakinakina for each group
- Kapa haka for each group
- Teaching as Inquiry organisation
- Homework sheets
- He Manukura organisation
- School reports
- Weekly planning
- Study ladder setting tasks
- Blurb at the beginning of each LTP to give the gist of what will be happening over the term
These are things that need to be done at some point and time during term 3
Week 4
- Nga Uara - Values / what has been done for topics over the year
- Give explanations about what it took for students to get to this point
- Week 6 is when the HSP expo is on
- Show appreciations to whaea Pat and whaea Carol for their awesome work this term
- Make sure to check all assessments are up to date
- please send planning for Maori lessons to the relevant teacher
- make sure to keep Matua informed of all changes in the programme
- laminate homework sheets and student bookwork on A3 copies and put on the wall
- make sure to never be late on duties
Week 2
- Evaluative statements
- Update Evidence folder
- Resilience editing and seeking interviews
- Follow up on Phillip - Koauau expert
- Print out / photocopy speeches rubric
- Weekly planning
- Add TWA overview to forward dates
- Add Panui overview
- Complete ICT skills sheet
- Group students - study ladder, Basic facts knowledge, Math shields
- Complete home work sheets
- Add karakia / Assembly timetable to forward dates
- Reconfirm Active training with Des
- Reconfirm OTJ workshop
- follow up on GATE for Leilani Mei
- Print out forms for writing competition
- Place class in correct JRFH group
- Add assessment schedule to Forward dates
- Complete LTP
- Complete Report for Tamanui
- Nomination form for Teachers Council
Colour your classroom competition
For the Maori speeches, speak to Matua about having the boys say their whai korero and the girls to learn the karanga
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