Saturday, February 21, 2015

Marae Noho on Thursday

Exciting news! We will be having our marae noho this Thursday. Even though I will be away from kura this week, because of my foot injury, I will make sure to make an appearance. There will be several teachers on hand to look after our students. They are Whaea Ana, Ma Cynthia and Ma Ngamamaerua to name just a few. Should be really exciting. Nga mihi nui!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Students Learning about themselves and their whanau

Pukeko class has been learning about themselves and their whanau. They have been learning new words that describe their whanau. These words include koro, koroua, kuia, whaea, koka, mama, papa, matua, papa, matua keke, whaea keke, tama and tamahine. We have just recently finished making flash cards and will be playing some games using them.

Check out the Reomation for the video we have been studying over the past few weeks -Taku Whanau

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pukeko Class Favourites 2015

This Thursday we will be writing about our favourite things! Check this out from Thursday 3 pm! We will be learning about the new Padlet software. Mauri ora!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Congratulations to Mairangi and Jacob for achieving 100 points on study ladder

Kia ora tatou!

Mairangi Iwikau and Jacob Inamata have been busy on the study ladder programme and have achieved 100 points. A big congratulations to them both and they will be receiving their certificates at TWA assembly on Friday morning week 3. Ka pai rawa atu korua!

Mairangi with her two buddies Kilarney and Kahupara

Jacob in class next to his computer 

Check out our new photo display and updates

Kia ora tatou!

If you have a look at the Plasma screen at the top of our blog you will see some new photos of our tamariki striking a pose outside our school murals and within our ICT class room. Please also be sure to add or share our blog using the "Subscribe, Followers and Share it" tools on the right. There are many links that you can click on and have a play around with. If you are a first timer check out the "how to use our blog" heading on the right side too. Mauri ora!