Thursday, November 27, 2014

Resilience with Tangaroa

Kia ora tatou!
Our resilience group had an awesome time out and about at Okahu Bay. We went over our mau rakau drills with Matua Tawera and Matua Kapi. It was great doing this at the beach and near Tangaroa (Guardian of the Sea) because we learnt many drills based on the Mango pare (hammer head shark) and other kaitiaki (guardians). We later went to Kelly Tarltons to see all the kaitiaki o te moana  nui (guardians of the sea). Thanks also to Whaea Oronsay - you were a lovely bus driver and always make sure our students are where they are meant to be.

Playing games at Okahu Bay

Having fun in the sun

By the stingray

Cool looking fish

Jaws eeeeek!

Playing shark games

Getting dizzy as the ice room moves

By the penguins

Shark games

In the tunnel

Checking out the fish

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Te Whanau Awhina Kapa Haka Regionals 2014

The Kapa haka group did everyone proud and came 6th to represent Tamaki makaurau in the National kapa haka Primary finals in Palmerston North next year. Mauri ora!

Here are the placings for Tamakimakaurau:

1. TKKM a Rohe o Mangere
2. TKKM o Hoani Waititi Marae
3. Rangeview Intermediate
4. TKKM o Te Puau o Te Moananui a Kiwa
5. Richmond Rd Primary
6. Clendon Park School

Friday, November 14, 2014

Kaiwhare - He Kaitiaki, He Taniwha hei manaaki i a tatou katoa

Reading about Kaiwhare is awesome. He is one of the taniwha we will be show casing in our wearable arts show.

The Story of Hape - Kaiwhare and Hape Korero

"One of our ancestors who arrived here after the Mataoho people was Hape.  Hape came here from the Pacific Islands by way of a stingray.

The stingray, named Kaiwhare, si the guardian fo the Manukau Harbour."

"The tuupuna (ancestors) were to leave the shores of the Pacific Islands to find another homeland but only those of sound body and mind were allowed to go.  Although Hape was senior to everyone else, he had clubbed feet.  He had to abide by the rules and was left behind.
After the waka left Tahiti on the great voyage, Hape started praying to Tangaroa thegfod of the sea.  He prayed and asked Tangaroa to find a way to take him to the same place that his relatives were going to.
For three days and nights he prayed.  On the fourth day a huge wave came.  As the wave came close Hape saw a stingray coming towards him.  He knew that Tangaroa had answered his prayers.
He climbed aboard the stingray, named Kaiwhare.
They travelled swiftly and arrived ahead of the great migration.  The landed at Puketapapa, at a place known at Te Ihu a Mataoho (the nose of Mataoho).
Hape acknowleged Tangaroa in traditional prayers and incantation and farewelled him.  Kaiwhare went back to the sea.  Hape looked inland and saw a hill.  He climbed the hill to see out to the Manukau Harour, laying flat on the hill, known as Puketapapa, to rest and await the arrival of his people.  The day came when the waka arrived.  They looked up and Hape acknowledged them.
That welcome in Māori is Karanga a Hape."
Maurice Wilson (-2013) Kaumatua of Tāmaki Makaurau Marae, Te Waiohua

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Saint John Officer Ambulance Visit

We had an ambulance officer teach us today about how to deal with a person who is unconscious. We need to do the following:

D - Danger
R - Response
S - Send for help
A - Airway
B - Breathing

The students had a good time going over the above procedure. We did not do learn the CPR part. We only do CPR when a person is not breathing. If we do this, we will hurt the unconscious person.

Burns - What do we do?
  1. Cool with cold running water for 20 minutes
  2. Cover it
Bleeding hand - What do we do? 
  1. lie the person on the floor
  2. I get a soft cloth and plug the cut / squeeze the hand
  3. lift the hand in the air
  4. Bandage the cut tightly

Monday, November 3, 2014

Wearable Arts Script 2014

Te Manurewa o Tamapahore 
Na Matua Tuiono

Kia ora and welcome to Pukeko’s class wearable arts fashion parade. Our parade is based upon the local Maori history of this area – Te Manurewa o Tamapahore.

Order of Appearance:
S = Scenes that students appear in
(S1)Legacy, Charlez, Toka, Dallas, (S2) Izayah, Devontae, Jahmal, (S3) Jada, Precious, Leilani mei, Calais, John (S4) Puna, Shaniqua, everyone from S1 - S4, (S5) Dallas, Jahmal, Legacy, Te Uwhinga, Shannon, Merani, Tamanui, Kaitiaki, Kody, Devandre, Isaiah, Michael (S6) Dallas, Jahmal, Legacy, Te Uwhinga, Shannon, Merani, Tamanui, Kaitiaki, Kody, Devandre, Isaiah, Michael (S7) Everyone from S1 to S4 joins in and everybody bows together

Legacy-Narrator Tahi
Puna-Narrator Rua

Scene 1
Ka titiro ahau ki nga maunga tapu e tu mai ra.
Ko Matukutureia te maunga tapu
Ko Matukutureia Te Tumu Whakarae
Ko Tamapahure te rangatira o tenei maunga nui.

Walk down the catwalk, pause and return during the reading of scene 2
Charlez & Toka-Matukutureia

Scene 2
Ka titiro ahau ki te maunga tapu
Ko Matukutururu.
Tu tonu te wairua, tu tonu te mauri, tu tonu
Ko Tamapahore te rangatira o tenei maunga whakahirahira.
Ko ia te teina a Tamapahure

Walk down the catwalk, pause and return during the reading of scene 3
Izayah & Devontae-Matukutururu

Scene 3
Ka rere te awa o Puhinui ki te moana Te Maanukanuka o Hoturoa.
Kei reira nga taniwha
Kei reira nga kaitiaki
Ko Kaiwhare tera
Ko Taramainuku tera hoki

Walk down the catwalk, pause and return during the reading of scene 4 
Jada-Puhinui awa
Precious & Leilani Mei-Te Maanukanuka o Hoturoa

Scene 4
Ka hoki tatou ki nga hapu e noho mai ra
Ka mihi atu ki nga hapu o te rohe nei. Ko Ngati Te Ata me Te Akitai
Ka mihi hoki ki te iwi Te Wai o Hua me nga iwi o nga hau e wha

Walk down the catwalk, pause and return during the reading of scene 5
Puna-Narrator Rua
Matua Tawera-Pukaea
Shaniqua-Kai Karanga
Everybody from scene 1 to scene 4

Scene 5
I nga ra o mua, ka haere a Tamapahure raua ko Tamapahore ki te tihi o nga maunga.
Ka takaro raua. Ka katakata raua
Ka pirangi a Tamapahure raua ko Tamapahore ki te whakaangi i nga manurewa
He whakaaro pai ki a raua
He whakaaro whakataetae hoki
Ka haere mai nga tama toa o Te Wai o Hua ki te matakitaki i tenei whakataetae.

Walk down the catwalk, pause and return during the reading of scene 6
Matua Tawera-Putarino
Legacy & Te Uwhinga-Manurewa o Tamapahure
Shannon & Merani-Manurewa o Tamapahore
Tamanui, Kaitiaki, Kody, Devandre, Isaiah, Michael-Nga Tama Toa

Scene 6
Ka rere nga manurewa i te rangi, engari ka rere ake te manurewa a Tamapahore
Ka riri a Tamapahure
Ka makutu a Tamapahure i te manurewa a Tamapahore aa ka rere taua manurewa ki te tairawhiti. Ka rere atu te manurewa a Tamapahore ki Pukekotaretare.

Walk down the catwalk, pause and return during the reading of scene 7
Legacy & Te Uwhinga-Manurewa o Tamapahure
Shannon & Merani-Manurewa o Tamapahore
Tamanui, Kaitiaki, Kody, Devandre, Isaiah, Michael-Nga Tama Toa

Scene 7
No reira, Ko te ingoa tuturu o Manurewa
Ko Te Manurewa o Tamapahore
Tihei mauri ora ki te whei ao, ki te ao marama.

Everybody from scene 1 to scene 4 joins in and everybody bows together.